
Black sharp fin shaped hat with gold along the centre

Digitization of the Vancouver Performance Art Objects Collection Complete

Western Front Society and the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery has completed its digitization of the Vancouver Performance Art Objects collection.

The Community Scholars Program

The Community Scholars Program

UBC Library, through the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, is partnering on the the Community Scholars Program to provide qualifying non-profit and charitable organizations with access to academic journals.

Library service updates

Library service updates

Due to the quickly evolving situation with COVID-19, all UBC Library branches will remain closed until April 30, 2020 at which time the situation will be reassessed. This includes libraries at both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.

Small Business Accelerator Feedback Survey

Small Business Accelerator Feedback Survey

Did you know that UBC Library’s Irving K. Barber Learning Center launched the Small Business Accelerator ten years ago in 2010? A lot has changed since then so we are inviting your feedback in a survey running most of March 2020. Do you live in Canada and use or refer people to sba.ubc.ca? If so, please share your opinions with us! Survey is open until March 25, 2020.