2018 UBC Reads Sustainability with Elizabeth May
Join us on March 13th at 1 pm as we live stream 2018 UBC Reads Sustainability with Elizabeth May.
alumni UBC – Master Mind Master Class with Atom Egoyan
Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by alumni UBC. One of the most respected filmmakers of his generation and a true artist, Atom Egoyan is the director behind modern classics such as Exotica, the Oscar-nominated The Sweet Hereafter, Ararat, and Chloe. A master of visual and verbal storytelling, Egoyan takes […]
UBC Reads Sustainability and the R. Grant Ingram Distinguished Speaker Program Presents Lunch with Duncan McCue
Webcast sponsored by the Iving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by UBC Reads Sustainability and the R. Grant Ingram Distinguished Speaker Program. In this moderated conversation, Duncan McCue will share his experience writing The Shoe Boy, a story of him discovering his indigenous identity as a teenager and his perspective on how connection to […]
Nepal’s Prolonged Transition: End in Sight?
Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the UBC Himalaya Program . Nepal has been undergoing a political transition since the end of the Maoist conflict in 2006. Over 10 years later, a new constitution has been implemented and one of the three mandated elections to various levels of government […]
Language reconstruction and strengthening community: the role of archival resources
Daryl Baldwin is a citizen of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and Director of the Myaamia Center at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The Myaamia Center is a unique collaborative effort supported by the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and Miami University in Oxford, Ohio for the purpose of advancing the language and cultural needs of […]
Worlds at Home: On Cosmopolitan Futures – “Reading Worlds at Home”
“Reading Worlds at Home” Featuring readings by Shani Mootoo, Lydia Kwa, and Larissa Lai and a discussion of the film All Our Father’s Relations by Elder Larry Grant and Sarah Ling. The event was part of “Worlds at Home: On Cosmopolitan Futures,” a public symposium bringing together scholars from across Canada, the US and Australia to […]
Future Speaker Series – Barbra Meek: Colonizing Pasts, Indigenous Futures: Imagining Indigenous Languages Beyond the Present
March 2, 2016 | 11:30am-1:00pm | First Nations Longhouse | Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. The prediction for most Indigenous languages has been extinction. However, many Indigenous languages are still with us today, including some presumed to be gone.
Future Speaker Series – Daryl Baldwin: "toopeeliyankwi, kati myaamiaataweeyankwi: We Succeed At Speaking The Myaamia Language"
February 22, 2016 | 11:30am-1:00pm | Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall, First Nations Longhouse | The Myaamia language was labeled an extinct language by the mid 20th century. After 25 years of reconstruction and revitalization, the Myaamia language is spoken once again among a younger generation of tribal youth who are using language learning opportunities to reconnect to each other and their Indigenous knowledge system.
Leanne Hinton: What counts as a "success" in language revitalization?
Journalists, grant givers and an interested public often ask which language revitalization programs and strategies have been successful. But “language revitalization” is a broad term that can include many different possible goals, and “success” is a point of view rather than a concrete fact. This paper is a result of conversations with Indigenous language activists […]
National School Library Day – The Place and Space for Canadian Children's Literature in Our Lives and Libraries
October 27, Tuesday 2015 | 5:00-6:00pm, at the Victoria Learning Theatre (Room 185), Irving K. Barber Learning Centre