EDI Scholars-in-Residence Application Form

EDI Scholars-in-Residence

The Scholar-in-Residence program is open to individuals who hold degrees in any discipline. Scholars will a spend a residency at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre to participate in public engagement with a clear impact on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The Scholar will have an established record of research or activities related to EDI. Applications from academic, governmental, policy, and arts sectors are invited.

Benefits and Responsibilities

Scholars agree to give at least one public lecture during their time on campus and to make themselves available for more informal conversations with faculty, students, and staff. Such engagement serves to benefit both the scholar, who is able to access the many resources available on campus and the University community, which comes to share in the scholar's insights. Scholars will acknowledge the support of the Peña Fund and UBC Library in any publication or presentation of the public engagement they undertake during the period of the residency. Scholars are offered space in the Marissa and Antonio Peña Room at UBC Library as part of their residency to conduct research and writing pertaining to their areas of expertise.


Scholars receive a stipend of $1,500 per residency. Employee benefits are not provided. Scholars must provide coverage for travel expenses.

Time Commitment

Each residency will be 4 months in duration, happening during Term One (September to December) or Term Two (January to April). The expectation is that the Scholar will hold one public event during the residency and informal one-on-one conversations with with students, staff, and faculty, either in-person or virtually.


Applications will be reviewed by members of the EDI Scholar-in-Residence program who will evaluate the merit and feasibility of the public engagement project proposed and its relevance both to the goals of this program and to the Mission of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre .


May 31, 2024, 12.00pm

Applicant Information

Please share more about your professional background detailing its impact within the applicant's field of work which may include lived experiences.
Maximum 1000 words.
Please describe the proposed public engagement opportunity with the following information:

(a) the proposed public engagement topic,
(b) explaining the format of the project (workshop, lecture, tour, etc.)
(c) impact within the applicant's field of work which may include lived experiences, and
(d) a detailed plan for completing the public engagement

Maximum 1000 words.

Preferred Term of Residency(Required)
Please select only one.
Maximum 1000 words.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.
Feel free to include a portfolio which illustrates your work and research. This section is optional to fill up.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, Max. file size: 20 MB.
Please include a letter of reference that speaks to your abilities and experiences. This letter can be from an employer, client, and colleague.
Statement of Agreement(Required)