Crossroads Conference at the Learning Centre

The Crossroads Conference helps bring people together. In our busy, hurried everyday lives, students and the leaders of society rarely have the opportunity to converse and work together.

For the first time, however, students from secondary schools across Metro Vancouver have the exclusive opportunity to cross paths with the social, environmental and economic leaders of Vancouver. Students will meet, converse and learn from these distinguished individuals, and understand how they can work together to bring positive change to Vancouver.

Students will participate in discussions led by members of the Honorary Board of Trustees, and they will get the chance to present their ideas and proposals during the conference.

The Crossroads Conference will be held on February 28, 2009 at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Hebb Theatre at the University of British Columbia. It is a one-day event that lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. with lunch included for all delegates and volunteers. Registration begins in December 2009.

For more informaion, please see

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