UBC Library Mentorship Program
September 9, 2022
UBC Library has developed a mentorship program by matching UBC librarians and archivists with graduate MLIS and MAS students from the School of Information designed for MLIS and MAS students who are interested in a career in academic libraries. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2022.
The Community Scholars Program
July 28, 2020
UBC Library, through the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, is partnering on the the Community Scholars Program to provide qualifying non-profit and charitable organizations with access to academic journals.
Culture at the Centre
June 19, 2018
Date: June 15 to August 15, 2018. Location: UBC Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Level 2 Foyer (1961 East Mall) (map) Hours: Same as the IKBLC building hours (see hours)
Nuxalk Radio: One Nation, Many Voices
March 6, 2018
Date: March 1 to April 3, 2018 Location: UBC Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Level 2 Foyer (1961 East Mall) (map) Hours: same as the IKBLC building hours (see hours) Indigenous community radio is a powerful tool. In this exhibition, UBC museum anthropology students worked with Nuxalk Radio in their mission to “Broadcasting the Laws […]
What’s Old is New Again
January 19, 2018
Presented by Rare Books and Special Collections at UBC Library, please visit this free exhibition at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre from January 16 to February 13, 2018
Breath of Life: its origins, evolution, and transformative impacts
May 23, 2017
Leanne Hinton is professor emerita at the Department of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley & Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival. Leanne Hinton specializes in endangered languages and is an advocate and practicing trainer in the field of language revitalization. Hinton has helped found several organizations for language revitalization, and has helped design several […]
(Re)searching for Social Justice
May 3, 2017
How can rigorous research help us advance the concept and practice of social justice? In the fourth event of the 2017 PhDs Go Public Research Talk Series, join us as eight doctoral students from the Public Scholars Initiative have seven minutes each to talk about their research on, and search for, social justice. Webcast sponsored by […]
2016 code4libBC Unconference
October 21, 2016
Event Details What: It’s a 2 day unconference! A participant-driven meeting featuring lightning talks in the mornings, breakout sessions in the afternoons, with coffee, tea and snacks provided. Lightning talks are brief presentations which are typically 5-10 minutes in length on topics related to library technologies. Breakout sessions are an opportunity to bring participants together […]
Reconciling Difficult Colonial Truths: Literature for Children and Youth
October 18, 2016
Given the legacy of 500 years of colonization, sharing and telling stories for children and young adults about difficult truths is important in moving forward towards reconciliation. As part of the journey, increased sensibilities and approaches are needed and give rise to many questions. How can children’s literature be decolonized and made appropriate for 21st […]