Jack Zipes' Utopian Tendencies of Oddly Modern Fairy Tales Webcast

Jack Zipes is one of the world’s leading authorities on fairy tales, writing about and translating them. An internationally renowned scholar and author of more than 50 books on many subjects, he has through his writings transformed research on fairy tales, particularly with respect to how they function in the socialization of readers. Jack Zipes is Professor Emeritus of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Minnesota.

Though most people consider fairy tales fascinating relics of the past, they have actually undergone numerous transformations and remain oddly modern even in the twenty-first century. Using some key psychological and philosophical categories from Sigmund Freud and Ernst Bloch, Professor Zipes will discuss why fairy tales remain so important in our lives, and why writers and artists continue to elaborate and re-create utopian and carnivalesque motifs from the tales to re-shape perspectives on possibilities for changing the world.

Sponsored by Green College and the supporting units for the M.A. in Children’s Literature Program (MACL): the School of Library Archival and Information Studies, the Department of English, the Creative Writing Program in the Faculty of Arts, and the Department of Language and Literacy Education in the Faculty of Education. Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. To view webcast, please click here.

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