Opening Africa Awareness Week Conference 2012 webcast online
Webcast sponsored by Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
SLC Featured on UBC Today
The Student Leadership Conference took place on Saturday January 14, 2012.
Dodson Music Series at IKBLC Presents “Entartete Musik – music suppressed under Nazism”
The next concert in the Dodson Music Series will take place on Friday January 27th at 12:00 pm in the Dodson Room
IKBLC Art Exhibition – "Rocks of Interest to a Young Geologist"
you can provide feedback about IKBLC’s art exhibition, Rocks of Interest to a Young Geologist. “Rocks of Interest To A Young Geologist”
Huddle 2011 – Environmental Issues Panel webcast online
Watch this webcast from Huddle 2011!
Kevin McNeilly's Robson Reading at IKBLC (with Percussionist Nicholas Jacques), January 26th
We are excited to announce that Kevin McNeilly will be reading from his latest work, Embouchere
Years of Controversy Canada’s Governor General’s Literary Awards 1936 – 2010 Lecture at IKBLC
75 Years of Controversy: Canada’s Governor General’s Literary Awards, 1936-2010 Lillooet Room (301) Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Health Information Series at Surrey Public Library webcast online
“Self-Managing your Chronic Conditions: The facts, the challenges and future directions” – November 19, 2011 – 2:00-3:30pm at Surrey Public Library’s City Centre Library
Highlights from a Student's Experience at IKBLC
In October, I got to help run the Small Business Accelerator event.
UBC Lifelong Learning Series Presents Ethan Zuckerman
Sunday November 20th 2011, 7pm at the Chan Centre for the Perfoming Arts