Feature Place at IKBLC: Hartley Bay
This week, we are taking a closer look at the community of Hartley Bay — the community that the Hartley Bay Meeting Room (room 266), in the Irving K Barber Learning Centre is named after.
Featured Place at IKBLC: Kootenay River Room
Kootenay River Room, a large, bright and airy group study room (room 422) on the 4th floor of the Barber Centre, is named after the Kootenay River
Featured Place at IKBLC: Slocan
This week’s featured place name and Irving K. Barber Centre room is Slocan.
Digitization program/project featured in Burnaby Now
A project that’s received funding from the B.C. History Digitization Program appears in Burnaby Now. The Burnaby Oral History Digitization Project received a $10,000 grant from the digitization program, which is an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. You can view the article here, and find out about the B.C. History Digitization Program […]
Featured Place at IKBLC: Sandspit
Our featured place this week is Sandspit, a small community of approximately 400 people, located on the northeastern tip of Moresby Island, near Spit Point
IKBLC Webcast Page Revamped and Launched!
The IKBLC Webcast page has been revamped and launched!
Learning Centre Art Exhibit on UBC Today
The Learning Centre’s current art exhibition, Generation:1 was recently featured on UBC This Week.
Hot Industries for Starting a Business in 2011
The Small Business Accelerator at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre is a program that develops information services to help B.C. entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses.
Featured Place at IKBLC: Fernie
In our ongoing series of B.C. place names used in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, this week we will look at Fernie, B.C.
B.C. digitization project in the Alberni Valley Times
An article on an innovative project that has received funding from the B.C. History Digitization Program (BCHDP) appears in the Alberni Valley Times. The project involves the digitization of thousands of images related to the community growth of Port Alberni, located on Vancouver Island. The BCHDP was launched by UBC’s Irving K. Barber Learning Centre […]