Alumni Weekend Live Webcasts at IKBLC
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre is pleased to announce the live webcasting of selected events that will take place in the building’s Victoria Learning Theatre as part of UBC Alumni Weekend.
Connects – Annual Report 2009/10
The spring 2010 issue of Connects, the newsletter of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, is now available. This issue serves as the Learning Centre’s 2009/10 Annual Report. You can view the issue at Connects – Annual Report 2009/10.
Author Judy Fong-Bates Comes to IKBLC
Sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, with support and partnership with the UBC Community Partners for Learning (CPL), ExplorAsian, the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia (CCHSBC), and the North American Association of Asian Professionals (NAAAP), the IKBLC welcomes Judy Fong-Bates on May 28th 5-7pm, as she reads from her much anticipated Year of Finding Memory.
Global Encounters Initiative Inaugural Symposium Webcasts Online
Sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, the entire series of the Global Encounters Initiative Symposium can be viewed online.
Coupland donation to UBC Library receives generous media coverage
The announcement about the donation of Douglas Coupland’s archives to UBC Library has received extensive media coverage. The story received national coverage in The Globe and Mail. It was also covered by CTV Online, CBC Online and Metro Vancouver. CBC Radio One also interviewed Coupland and Ralph Stanton, Head of Rare Books and Special Collections, and Radio […]
Picturing Canadian children's literature
A fascinating exhibition that complements the release of a new book on children’s literature is now on display at UBC Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) division. Picturing Canada: Canadian Children’s Illustrated Books and Publishing, highlights Canadian picturebooks from the last 200 years. The exhibition includes rare children’s books as well as popular productions […]
New shows at the Learning Centre Gallery
Art fans, take note: two new exhibitions are now on display at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Beyond the Words features portraits of writers by the late Carl Kohler (1919-2006), a Neo-Modernist/Abstract Swedish artist. Subjects including Franz Kafka, Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, Günter Grass and others are featured in mediums such as […]
New site bolsters Chung Collection
The Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection, a designated national treasure, has a new virtual home. The handsome website, found at, highlights the Chung Collection’s three main themes: immigration and settlement, early British Columbia history, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Focus groups consisting of faculty, staff, students and community members provided […]
Ramachandra Guha – Ten Reasons why India will not and must not become a Superpower
Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
Randall Jimerson – Archivists and the Call of Justice
As part of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, Randall Jimerson presents on the history of recordkeeping and archives, and reveals that they have often been used to consolidate and enforce political power, often to control or oppress people. Far from being neutral repositories for facts and evidence, archives have always been sites […]