
Climate Justice: The Intersectional and Emotional Aspects of Climate Work

Climate Justice: The Intersectional and Emotional Aspects of Climate Work

Did you know that climate change does not impact all people equally? While nobody can entirely avoid climate change, some groups are more impacted than others. Groups that have been historically marginalized by oppressive societal systems, such as racialized people, Indigenous people, disabled people, and people living in the global south, are experiencing greater and […]

UBC Library Writer-in-Residence at Word Vancouver Festival at UBC Robson Square

UBC Library Writer-in-Residence at Word Vancouver Festival at UBC Robson Square

On Saturday, September 28, 2024, join UBC Library inaugural writer-in-residence Tsering Yangzom Lama as she discusses her novel and reads from her beloved work at Word Vancouver Festival.

Word Vancouver Opening Gala featuring UBC Library Writer-in-Residence Tsering Yangzom Lama at the Museum of Vancouver (MOV)

Word Vancouver Opening Gala featuring UBC Library Writer-in-Residence Tsering Yangzom Lama at the Museum of Vancouver (MOV)

Word Vancouver celebrates 30 years to help Word Vancouver celebrate 30 years of bringing authors and their words to the streets of Vancouver and beyond. September 21, 6.00-9.30pm at the Museum of Vancouver (MOV). 1100 Chestnut Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3J9

2025/2026 BC History Digitization Program Call for Notices of Intent

2025/2026 BC History Digitization Program Call for Notices of Intent

The British Columbia History Digitization Program (BCHDP) is seeking early notice from prospective applicants for the 2025/2026 funding year.

All About Oscar

All About Oscar

All About Oscar is an exhibit about 1940/50s businessman, Oscar Blanck. The photos are on display in Ike’s Café in the Ike Barber Learning Centre Spring 2024.