Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society

Freedom of Expression in the Post Truth Era: Open Mic Event

Freedom of Expression is a charter right in Canada and is a fundamental value of professional groups such as librarians, archivists and journalists, who promote transparency, public accountability and the broadest possible access to information. However, we are seeing an erosion of these values in public life, through steps to censor scientists and public servants, to retract, hide or ignore information that does not conform to partisan views, and to treat the free press as a public enemy. This is a symptom of “post-truth” politics, in which sentiment and personal belief have more influence than facts, and facts are openly manipulated. As fake news, Orwellian newspeak and “alternative facts” flood our media streams, how do we continue to make sense of our world? How do we hold public figures accountable for their actions?

This open mic session invites the UBC community to speak up on what freedom of expression means in this post-truth era. Bring your thoughts, arguments, poems, and stories – everyone is welcome!

Event Details

When:  February 28th, 2017 12:30-1:45 PM

Where: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, 2nd floor foyer space

Facilitator(s): Milena Constanda, Erin Fields

Register for this event through your UBC Campus-Wide Login here.